Thursday, February 2, 2012


Dear Breakfast Pizza,

You are unlike any other breakfast pizza. Perhaps even my favorite.
In fact, you may just put them all to shame. 
With your thin crust of slightly crispy, yet slightly chewy semolina bliss. 
Your perfect balance of parmesan and mozzarella, melted in harmony.
To your strips of beautiful bacon, essence of wood-fire, delicately baked eggs, and optional red pepper flakes.
You kinda rocked my world on Sunday morning... 
I love you, Breakfast Pizza.

(And it's not just the juice fast I've been on for the past 3 days that's speaking. I swear.)

Yours, Ash

From Big Sur Bakery

....But then I met a bathtub.

Post-Brunch bath in a tree house of Big Sur, CA.

Dear Sweet Bathtub in the Woods.........


  1. Ohhhhh I just can't make up my mind which I love more-your love letter to the breakfast pizza or the pizza itself. Kudos!!

  2. I've been eye-ing that breakfast pizza in the cookbook for years - looks amazing!!
